A selection of my photos from my every day and converted to picture art. We really do live in an amazing world.
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Copyright: All images, text and ideas are the intellectual property of Lisa Baldry. You may not download, reproduce, copy, including electronic copying, without Lisa's express written permission.
Please scroll down or click on image to expand.
Copyright: All images, text and ideas are the intellectual property of Lisa Baldry. You may not download, reproduce, copy, including electronic copying, without Lisa's express written permission.


Streets of Barcelona : Poster

Blown glass hearts

Valencia : poster


Santorini Pink : Watercolour


Westbay Watercolour

Ski watercolour

Bird of Paradise

Western Cape Mountains Watercolour

Escape watercolour

Dubai Skyline in a dusty mist (black and white)

Munich : Poster

The Strand : Poster

Westbay Sunset Watercolour

Cotswold Winter art

Pink Rose : Watercolour




Stormy Sailing

Stormy Sailing 2

Stormy Sailing 3

Kalk Bay I

Kalk Bay II

Kalk Bay III

Games House : Pool I

Games House : Liar Dice

Games House : Pool II

St Peter Port I

St Peter Port II

St Peter Port III

Sailing into the mist

Lighthouse I

Lighthouse II

Desert Life : MIA and Dhow

Desert Life : Doha Corniche and Dhows

Desert Life : Souq camels

Desert Life : Souq

Ski Challenge

Desert Life : Souq & Spiral Mosque

The Strand Surf

Desert Life : Doha Sheraton Hotel

Afternoon escape ..

Lamprotornis : Blue Bird Cape Town

Burghley House : Pepper Pot